The new government should look into subsidising evidence based interventions which are being offered privately. Behavioural intervention is crucial for these children and it is important to offer opportunities to all families to have access to it. This should also be available as an alternative to mainstream schooling for those who really need it. I am a parent of a child with autism and mainstream schooling has failed to provide what my child needs.
Government needs to work to help more parents
Jiena omm b tifel li ghandu autism wasal zmien li isir servizz li jofri intensive therapy li tfal taghna!
Inclusion is not for all kids and we already taking out of school to go to NGO but we need to have a selection where to send our kids!
The service at CDAU and NGO are lacking parents require better service
As an ABA tutor, I have witnessed myself the positive impact that ABA interventions make on the lives of children with autism. It would be a great initiative if the service is sponsored by the government so each family in need would have the opportunity to benefit from it.
because relying on inclusion in the traditional main stream educational system is not what children with autism need.
Jiena nemmen li hemm bzonn aktar servizz ghal minnu ghand tfal bil problem u aktar awareness.
I lived in Malta for 10 years but unfortunately 5 years ago i had to relocate to Ireland, so my child that has autism could have intensive aba therapy. Now that he is 9 years old and he is in a state school and he is doing brilliant. But he needed help in the first years of school. I support this idea 100% blue or red hopefully the next new government would use funds to help the parents.
Jiena nispera li gvern il gdid jaghmel il sistema tal voucher li kien se jaghmel Dr. Gonzi!
The staff and LSA are very dedicated but they lack the necessary training and the environment is too much for my child to handle. He needs a specialised environment and I am aware that at present I am wasting precious time for my child.
Autistic children need intensive help especially those on the severe end of the spectrum.
The LSA are doing a great job but they don't have enough support for the Education system.
Treatment for autism is usually a very intensive….. Some programs are delivered in a specialized center or special school.
We need to offer the best therapy for our kids! The government needs to provide new services!!
I fully support this idea!! I have two kids with autism!
Jiena nahseb aparti l support il genituri l gvern ghandu bzonn jaghti training li LSA fuq evidence based interventions bhal ABA. Jiena kelli l cans nahdem ma therapista li tuza l ABA and it was wonderful!
Good idea: Private and Church Schools must support this idea.
Hemm bzonn aktar xoghol ghal tfal li ghandhom autism jew condition ohrajn ! Nispera il ministri il gdoda jaghmlu hafna gdid din ideja mhux blue jew ahmar imma hemm bzonn support li familji!
As a therapist for children with autism working in the private sector for 8years I have seen many children succeed in acquiring new skills. Even more so now, since Applied Behaviour Analysis has been introduced i am in awe of the capabilites these children actually possess when they are guided by trained professionals and parents working together on programmes tailor made for each child. These of course are at an extra cost to the parents so having them sponsored would be of great help.
As a parent of a child on the autism spectrum, I believe that it is only fair that since healthcare in our country is free, effective therapy such as ABA should be offered to our children. Over the past year, we have been paying privately for our daughter's therapy which has been highly effective. However the costs are high too and I'm sure there a lot of children who suffer from such conditions, whose parents cannot afford to pay and thus they are not getting this much needed therapy.
From what I have seen in Malta , Spoken to mothers with children with Autism , The saddest part of all of it , is when they were toddlers their was no indication of any problems. Or the parents do not realize until they start school and teachers will realize a differences . The the worry and stress of how did this happened to their child WHY HOW WHEN did this happen to my child, There are many theory's and studies but still haven't found the reason or whom to believe ?
This is why Malta must come together with other country's to learn more how to help parents and children with all their needs improving in all they need. Since every child is different , And we know with every day lessons every child with all their needs will improve in their own time. We just need more Education on Autism and understanding .
My son has autism and is not striving in a mainstrem school. ABA therapy has been a lifeline for us and we are sure that attending such a specialised school for a couple of years would be ideal for growing to his full potential. This is an investment in our future. Please believe in our children because they can give a lot back...they just need a helping hand.
Jiena LSA u li nista nghid li inclusion aw malta mhux qedha tahdem! U mhux jiena qieghed nghid imma head of school u assistants..... Kif skejjel jaghmlu sistema ta mix ability ma studenti li ma ghandhomx condition jew disability....iridu naghmlu l istess ma studenti li ghandhom special needs. Hemm studenti li ghandhom special needs iva jistaw joqghdu ma tfal minghajr condition. Imma tfal li ghandhom special needs hemm bzonn jibdew min sistema aktar ahjar ghalihom....
Jiena dahalt l ewwel darba f din il website u sibt hafna idejat ghal persuna li ghandhom dizibilta jew xi condition. Nispera l gvern jisma l lehen tal poplu!! Aw bzonn awareness u l aqwa servizz kemm jista jkun!! Aw dan il link ukoll qieghed jghid li hemm bzonn tidhol voucher system....mhux ghal NGO biss imma ghal private organisation ukoll! Nispera l message jasal!
Disadvantaged children have to be identified as early as possible and they should have the chance to have evidence based interventions!
Good idea.....that I support 100%
It shouldn't be limited to autism. What about treating every kid the same and giving each and everyone what they need.
We need first to create more awareness about Autism as unfortunately the problem is always increasing.
Nissupportja din l idea ghaliex l ewwel u qabel kollox ghandi ghal qalbi dawn it tfal specjali. barra minn hekk ilni nahdem maghhom ghal dawn l ahhar 14 il sena. il genituri taghhom barra li jkollhom challenges kbar, ikollhom ukoll ugieh ta qalb kultant ghandhom hafna u hafna spejjez biex ikunu jistghu jaghtu lil uliedhom is support, kull terapija possibli biex uliedhom jimxu l quddiem. hemm bzonn li dawn il genituri jigu offruti kull tip ta ghajnuna possibli . grazzi u prosit x
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation